自由之门ios app
自由之门ios app
My life changed forever in 2005 when I was casted for MTV’s Laguna Beach. Everything became a whirlwind and continued through The Hills, which caused my addiction to publicly spiral out of control and led up to even a suicide attempt. In 2010, I was finally willing to surrender and take direction, so I reached out for help and I was given one of the best gifts of my life. Recovery.
Since then, I have been a recovery advocate sharing my story to provide education, insight, and hope to those who are struggling. I worked in the treatment industry and learned a lot from mentors like Dr. Drew, Tim Storey, and Bob Forrest, which I now share along with my hard-learned personal experiences on my platform. Through The Hills New Beginnings, media interviews, publications, social media, and word of mouth, I not only spread the message of hope and that transformation is possible, but also help individuals find resources and adequate facilities based on their needs, when they don’t know where to turn.

自由之门ios app
自由之门ios app
Jason Wahler is a Host, Actor, TV personality, and philanthropist who appeared on hit shows like MTV’S Laguna Beach, The Hills, and Celebrity Rap Superstar. After years of publicly battling with addiction, he appeared on Dr. Drew’s Celebrity Rehab. Since getting sober, Jason has dedicated his life to raising awareness towards addiction and hopes to one day change the public’s negative perception on this deadly disease. 国外浏览器你懂得

自由之门ios app
自由之门ios app
Observe as Jason reveals his life story from the early days of childhood, through the teenage years, to becoming well known for his hard partying ways on MTV’s hit shows Laguna Beach and The Hills. Eventually, to a fight for his life against the deadly disease of addiction that drove him to an attempted suicide. After hitting multiple bottoms, discover how Jason fought through and made a significant transformation. It’s never too late for help and Jason is the embodiment of that promise. Through all the trials and tribulations Jason found his passion by giving back and helping others struggling with addiction to see that recovery is possible and life is absolutely worth living. Join him! LEARN MORE ›
自由之门ios app

WATCH NOW! JAWS Diaries with Jason & Ashley Wahler
Watch Now on Youtube | Tuesdays @ 3pm PST

Jason Wahler Featured on CGTV Podcast

Red Songbird Foundation Awarding Scholarships for Rehabilitation
Two celebrities are joining forces to support people struggling with trauma, mental health or substance abuse.

“I Relapsed, I Surrendered and I am Getting Help.”
By Victoria Kim
Jason Wahler & Dr. Drew Drop Shocking Statistics About Alcoholism

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Featured by Daily Mail

自由之门ios app
Human connection is one of the most important aspects of life. It has the power to heal, change and inspire. Life is busy and Hollywood is brutal but schedule permitting, I can make time to connect to share my experiences and stories if it will help someone in a time of need. Click the link and send the form and either myself or someone from my team will reach out.